壽屋 2024年4月發售: 模型 MEGAMI DEVICE 1/1 皇巫 須佐之男 紅蓮 11,800Yen (於各壽屋門市及壽屋Online shop訂購附有特典)


Series Megami Device
Product Series Character Plastic Model
Scale 1/1
Size 220mm tall
Specifications Plastic Model Kit
Number of Parts 401~600
Product Material PS・ABS・POM・PVC(Phthalate-free)
Age Rating Ages 15 and up
Sculptor(s) Masaki Apsy, Noritaka Fukumoto, Unitec Inc, Task, Toshinobu Matsumura, Toriwo Toriyama, Amaai (Eye Prints)

Introducing a new model from the Megami Device series, a plastic model kit series combining bishoujo-style beauties and heavy-duty weapons and armor.
The latest character to join the series is GUREN, the counterpart to AUV SUSANOWO SOUEN!

Loved for the over-the-top effect parts, the Souen model returns in an all-new color with Guren!
The red and clear yellow color scheme transforms her appearance, delivering an energetic, fiery look. In addition, the new skin parts in Skin Color D (tan) and eye prints bring out another side of the character.
As a counterpart to Souen, the newly sculpted flame effects are on the opposite side of the head and chest.

This model was designed by Nidy-2D-, the creator of the ASRA and Susanowo series!
The “machinika Block1.5L” body designed by Masaki Apsy allows for beautiful and dynamic poses.

Model Specifications:
・A number of newly sculpted clear flame effect parts and joints for connecting those parts are included in this model kit.
・Three face parts with newly designed expressions by Nidy-2D- are included.
・As with the AUV series, users can look forward to a glamorous model loaded with features.
・The mecha arms and legs use a frame construction that allows for a wide range of customization. The armor can be removed to reveal the frame and attach a variety of different parts.
・The model comes with several armor parts that can be used to recreate different forms such as “Insane Mode” and “Brutal Mode.”
・The main weapon, Heat Haze, is equipped with several joints that allow it to be transformed into a whip, gun, or tail and also be enjoyed on its own.
・The parts can be configured to display the model in full armor for “Armed Mode,” or without armor for “Unarmed Mode.”
・The “machinika” base body boasts an impressive range of flexibility, allowing it to be displayed in a variety of natural poses, such as holding a weapon at the ready or sitting down.
・The kit includes a variety of weapons and joint parts that can be used to create different combat scenes. Recreate a variety of different spectacular combat scenes with the new effect parts.
・The 3mm connection points on each part and head compatibility parts allow this model to be customized with existing M.S.G, Frame Arms, Frame Arms Girl, Hexa Gear, Sousai Shojo Teien, Arcanadea, and Megalomaria series parts.
・The kit includes decals for the eyes and other markings.

皇巫 スサノヲ 紅蓮

作品 メガミデバイス
シリーズ キャラクタープラモデル
スケール 1/1
製品サイズ 全高:約220mm
製品仕様 プラモデル
パーツ数 401~600
素材 PS・ABS・POM・PVC(非フタル酸)
対象年齢 15歳以上
原型製作 浅井真紀、福元徳宝、株式会社ユニテック、たすく、松村年信、鳥山とりを、雨間(アイプリント)

皇巫(オウブ)スサノヲ 蒼炎と対をなす『紅蓮(グレン)』!!



・メインウェポン「ヒートヘイズ 」は多数のジョイントで鞭や銃、尻尾のような形態に大きく変形、単体でも遊びごたえ満点。